
Aðrar myndir: 1 2

33 ára karl á höfuðborgarsvæðinu vill kynnast konum með vináttu/spjall í huga.

Er 176 cm og 90 kg með svart hár

Hey thanks for stopping by.

I am from the UK. I live in 101 in Reykjavik and run my own small popular business.

Looking for adventure and fun experiences. Open to everyone with a good attitude and self care.

Lover of good coffee, music and games

Say hi, I don't bite

You can also add my on Snapchat if you haven't paid the membership fee to einkamal

Á Einkamá síðan 20. maí 2024
Síðast tengd/ur 18. september 2024
Líkir notendur Ég vil finna...